“As a sailing safety officer for almost 40 years, I have discovered one of the most difficult things to do is to spot a person in the water... the angle of the sun and reflections on the water, cloud cover and sea state… overcast days produce gray water, haze, fog and rain and decrease visibility to only a few hundred feet… high winds create large waves and swells… [these] impair the visual acuity of the searcher and cause lost time… Until Now.
The development of the SeeArch, is a great step in alleviating the problem of finding a person in the water. Its unique design allows the sailor, paddle boarder, or kayaker to be spotted much quicker… saving time and lives! In addition the SeeArch can be attached to a line aboard ship to hoist the individual back on board.
I would recommend the SeeArch to all those who venture out on the water.”
Geoff Webster, Sail Safe